In this series of videos, WCA Technologies co-founder Peter Fidler offers best practices for protecting your business or not-for-profit against cyber attacks. This installment: What’s the most important cyber security question to ask? Video not playing? Click here to view.
Category Archives: Technology Tips
In this series of videos, WCA Technologies co-founder Peter Fidler offers best practices for protecting your business or not-for-profit against cyber attacks.
Learn more about section 179, what it is, which expenses qualify for section 179, and how to get a deduction.
Cybersecurity Awareness month is here. It’s the time of the year when we try to ruin a cyber criminal’s day.
Leveraging technology to increase profits is a key skill for modern business success. Small business owners now have access to a wide range of technological solutions that increase profit and lower risk.
Business goals and technological solutions are closely intertwined. Aligning business goals with technology is an essential focus of every successful business. For small, scaling businesses, technology is the key to growing in a way that’s efficient and sustainable. These solutions include those that cover: Security Customer relationships Branding and marketing Computing Collaboration Outsourcing, including CIO […]
SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) is an essential part of many businesses today. Paying for software by subscription, rather than making a large capital purchase upfront, has many advantages. If you are considering the advantages of SaaS for your business or organization, remember to make certain your SaaS applications are well managed. This is something your IT Services […]
As more and more businesses and organizations explore the benefits of SaaS (Software-as-a-Service), making sure those applications are managed correctly is crucial. The COVID pandemic accelerated the rate at which SaaS applications gained acceptance, and in many cases the decisions and choices that accompanied acceptance were made by individual end-users. Since every application is different, […]
Hackers love Shadow IT because it provides them with new opportunities to get at your firm’s data and private information. And because businesses tend not to know about the Shadow IT running in their organizations, defenses against hackers tend to be weaker or non-existent. What is Shadow IT and Where Can It Be Found? Shadow […]
Telehealth as a service has been around for years, but since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, its use has increased quickly as the medical community has sought ways to treat patiently safely. While adoption of telehealth technology would have expanded in fact, the future of healthcare became a reality for many people much more […]