Category Archives: Technology Tips

What Law Firms are Doing to Re-Open, Stay Safe and Maintain Secure Operations

[This webinar has already ended, however you can view the complete webinar recording here.] The risk of cyber-attacks skyrocketed when we were all forced to work from home. And, while many firms are choosing to remain remote, there are a growing number of law firms who are returning to the office. Please join Peter Fidler, […]

Do Law Firms Have Unique Security Requirements?

Cybersecurity is an important consideration for all industries today. That’s blatantly apparent in some instances – credit card companies and retailers that handle consumer financial information are routinely targeted by hackers, for instance. However, what about law firms? Do law firms have unique security requirements that entail specific solutions? Actually, they do. Unique IT Security […]

NetDocuments Solves Law Firm Governance Requirements

Proper governance is more important today than ever before. This is particularly true for large firms, including law firms. It is essential that the corporate governance structure is robust, and that the appropriate checks and balances are built in to ensure oversight and protection against fraud and abuse. NetDocuments helps to solve challenging law firm […]

NetDocuments Helps Solve Security Challenges for Law Firms

As digital technology has proliferated, we’ve moved closer to a universal digital workplace. This has resulted in significant security challenges for law firms. The move toward digital workplaces helps ensure collaboration and innovation, but it also ushers in some significant challenges. One of the most critical to address is security. Digital technology can leave a […]

What Opportunities Does Blockchain Bring?

Unless you’ve been living under that proverbial rock, you’ve at least heard of blockchain. It’s the technology that underpins cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and Ether. However, blockchain is actually separate from cryptocurrencies and is going to play a larger and larger role in the life of the average law firm over time. What should you know […]

What Is Meant by Technology Assisted Review?

It seems like software is taking on a larger and larger role within the legal industry. That is good news, too. Software can automate many mundane processes, saving law firms time, money, and effort. However, the influx can create some confusion, particularly in regard to terms used in reference to software-assisted processes. For instance, what […]

What Is Meant by Electronic Discovery?

Discovery is one of the most critical elements in any case, whether we’re discussing a criminal court case, civil litigation, a Freedom of Information Act, law suit, or similar situation. Today, electronic discovery, also called e-discovery, eDiscovery, and ediscovery, is playing a larger and larger role. How does electronic discovery differ from conventional discovery? The […]

Machine Learning in the Law Firm

You usually do not encounter a discussion of artificial intelligence without machine learning being mentioned. While AI is incredibly interesting, machine learning is arguably the more important of the two topics. What does machine learning have to do with your law firm? Let’s take a look. What Is Machine Learning? Machine learning is nothing more […]

Is Client Relationship Important to Your Firm?

In the past, it was enough that law firms met client expectations. If this goal was achieved, the client would usually return when they required additional services. In some cases, they might even keep the law firm on retainer. However, things are changing today. It is no longer enough to simply meet expectations. You must […]