Category Archives: Technology Tips

Artificial Intelligence and Law Firms

Can AI be used by today’s law firms? Absolutely. In fact, the argument can be made that any law firm not already making use of the capabilities and benefits delivered by artificial intelligence has already fallen by the wayside. However, before we can discuss that, we’ll need to know a few other things. What Is […]

What Technology Trends Are Present in Dispute Resolution?

The process of dispute resolution has not really changed over the course of human history. It is still the process of finding a solution to a problem or challenge that arises between two or more parties. However, the tools, techniques, and technologies involved have changed and will continue to do so. Currently, there are several […]

What Opportunities Does Cybersecurity Bring?

Digital evolution has brought a wide range of benefits to law firms. It is now commonplace to use video meetings to reduce travel time. Attorneys on different sides of the country can collaborate digitally. Evidence-gathering and even juror vetting have improved thanks to social media. However, not all changes related to digital technology are positive. […]

Understanding the Basics of Edge Computing

Edge computing is relatively new, but it has become very important in that short period of time. This type of computing will allow data that is gathered and processed through Internet of Things devices to be closer to the creation point. This means that it will no longer have to send data across to distant […]

Understanding National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Each October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and in 2019, it will be going into its 16th year. This collaboration between industries and the government is an initiative to help raise awareness about just how important cybersecurity is in the world we live in today. The goal is to help more people in the United […]

Start Using Technology to Enhance Customer Experience

You want your customers to be happy, because you know that happy customers will mean that they are more apt to buy – and to keep buying – from you. Therefore, you need to find ways that you can continue to improve and enhance the overall customer experience for them. With technology being so important […]

Quick Tips for Preventing Automated Voice Calls and Spam

  If you are like just about everyone else in the country, you have been victim to automated voice calls and spam at least once. Although, if we’re being honest, many people have these types of calls coming into their phone multiple times a week, or even multiple times each day. No one wants to […]

Optimizing Workspaces in the Digital World

Quite a bit has been written about optimizing workspaces in the physical world, but it is important to remember that it is just as important to make sure that your digital workspace has been properly optimized, too. When you have your physical space and your digital space organized, optimized, and working in harmony, it can […]