Will 2014 be the Year of Collaboration Technology?

Collaboration Technology2014 has arrived. And for many companies, it’s all about having a productive and successful year, without spending a small fortune. Does this sound familiar? If so, you might be one of the many organizations looking to adopt collaboration technology this year.

In fact, 75 percent of businesses say online collaboration tools will be important or somewhat important to their business in the next year, according to a survey conducted by clinked.com. And while it’s true the economy is rebounding, many organizations are still under pressure to do more with less. Collaboration technology is solving this dilemma.

But what about your business? Does it make sense for you – and will it yield a competitive advantage in the marketplace?

Collaboration Technology: The Basics

You might be using collaboration technology already, and not even know it. This technology includes software, platforms and services that allow people to work in different locations, sharing a secure and self-contained environment for document management, application sharing, presentation development and much more.

With office workers spending an average of 28 hours each week writing emails, researching and collaborating internally, according to a recent McKinsey report, let’s face it – we all desperately need more ways to get more efficient.

Breaking-down Information Silos

Operating in silos can throw a wrench in productivity. Collaboration technology breaks down these silos through integrated collaboration solutions. Effective solutions combine elements of project and work planning, file sharing and social task management, to integrate all components into a seamless solution.

This technology also allows companies to stay mobile, using the technology from any location – while staying connected to the office.

Mobile Trends

Another reason why collaboration is on the rise is this technology has gone mobile. Time spent daily on mobile applications has officially surpassed desktop and mobile web consumption. Popularity of iOS and Android platforms is driving this trend – and it took less than three years for native mobile applications to reach this level of usability.

The majority of web-based collaboration platforms today have mobile components – and this is fueling growth. As mobile technology matures, the focus on applications will shift from being second-tier clients of cloud-based applications, to being the main point of interaction between users and collaboration services.

Simple Solution, Efficient Gains

The purpose of collaboration tools is simple. It creates better communication, but even more importantly – it helps staff get the work done more efficiently. As software continues to make large advancements, collaborative technology will be a rising trend. Companies that successfully adopt these capabilities will surely have a competitive advantage in the marketplace.