People say Willie Sutton used to rob banks “because that’s where the money is.” When it comes to your business, “the money” resides in the digital data on your computer systems and networks. Your problem is there is a totally new, super sophisticated class of coding that hackers have developed to get around your core […]
The ancient philosopher, Maimonides, is credited with saying: Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. This is a life lesson that is transformational personally and professionally. Traditional fishing is a process: Get the right equipment. Maintain it in […]
Enterprises are adopting cloud technology at a growing pace. In fact, a recent LinkedIn Cloud Security Spotlight report, which contains insights from over 250,000 respondents, found that 71 percent of respondents are planning to or have already implemented a cloud environment. When seeking opportunities to migrate to the cloud, one area of opportunity is cloud apps. […]
5 Ways Your Competitors Are Using Collaboration to Get Ahead Despite recent technology advances, many employees today still work in silos. They capture vast amounts of critical information during the workday, yet the location of this information is fragmented, residing on laptops, phones and email archives. Successful companies are taking action to solve this challenge, […]
Must-Ask Questions for a New IT Provider IT support is a critical part of your business. And whether you’ve been doing it in house or you’re looking for a new provider, it’s important to invest time up front to make the right decision. Because nothing is worse than finding out during an IT crisis that […]
Small business owners and their employees are juggling many tasks. As a result, IT-related functions often rest on the shoulders of the business owner or a trusted employee, as job descriptions become blurred. And while this may work for routine tasks, at some point you may encounter something that is outside your expertise. Or more […]
Password Security: Is Storing My Password in the Browser Safe? Over half of U.S. adults have at least six password-protected accounts, according to Consumer Reports. And at the workplace, the stakes are even higher, with many accounts containing highly sensitive information. But how can you protect yourself? You may well be wondering, “Is storing my […]
Every successful small-to-medium-size business has goals — perhaps it’s a revenue goal, a milestone for growth, or other efficiency measures. But regardless of the specifics, these objectives are defined for good reasons, because as Lewis Carroll said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.” A large part of what […]
New York nonprofits benefit by teaming-up with IT support specialists As a nonprofit, you’re likely working diligently to engage and retain donors while striving to maintain sustainability and fulfill your mission. And at times, you might feel that resources are spread too thin. When this happens, you may wonder, “How can I make our existing […]