Category Archives: Technology Tips

Is Client Relationship Important to Your Firm?

In the past, it was enough that law firms met client expectations. If this goal was achieved, the client would usually return when they required additional services. In some cases, they might even keep the law firm on retainer. However, things are changing today. It is no longer enough to simply meet expectations. You must […]

How Social Media Impacts Law Firms

Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat have changed the way that people communicate, how businesses advertise, influenced the evolution of the English language. Is it any wonder that social media is also impacting law firms? How, you ask? Evidence One way that social media is impacting law firms is by providing another avenue […]

How Does Technology Impact Legal Strategy?

At first glance, the legal field doesn’t seem as replete with technology as other industries. However, technology is just as present here as it is anywhere else, and it is having major impacts on legal strategy and other areas. Discovery/E-Discovery One of the more visible ways that technology is affecting legal strategy and other areas […]

How Cloud and Mobile Computing Benefit Law Firms

Cloud connectivity and mobile computing offer benefits to just about every industry on the planet. No doubt you’ve heard about how the cloud can help retailers connect with their customers, and how mobile computing can help consumers enjoy better experiences. However, do these technologies have any benefits for law firms? Actually, there are quite a […]

How Can Technology Assist in Preparing Legal Arguments?

Technology is radically changing the world in which we live. The legal industry has traditionally been slow to adopt new technology, this area is being changed, and the pace of that change is accelerating. For instance, today technology can actually play a role in preparing legal arguments. It is unlikely that AI will replace attorneys; […]

Does Performance Measurement Matter for Law Firms?

Performance measurement is an important metric for many businesses, but it has traditionally carried less import for law firms. However, that is changing, thanks to new technology. Today’s law firms must be able to measure performance in a wide range of ways and for a number of different reasons, ranging from in-house bench marking and […]

5 Reasons to Outsource Your IT

Should small-to-midsize organizations outsource IT? As a small to midsize company grows, the need for a dedicated IT person becomes obvious. What’s not always as obvious, however, is whether it’s better to hire an IT administrator or outsource your IT to a managed services provider (MSP). To help you weigh your options, here are five […]

Are Analytics Useful in Selecting Outside Counsel?

Despite the fact that your business has in-house legal expertise, there will likely come a time when it’s necessary to select outside counsel. This can be a very challenging process. Too often, the decision is made based on guesswork, or because one particular law firm was more affordable than another, with little thought given to […]