Top 5 Ways That Law Firms Benefit from IT Support

Your law firm is busy, and the daily to-do list probably feels longer than ever before. Adding to this challenge is the fact that technology, with all of its advancements, is becoming an increasingly important part of daily business operations. As a result, many firms are struggling with the following question: “Should we manage IT support internally, or work with an external provider?”

Many law firms find that partnering with an IT support provider specialized in supporting law firms and their technology is an efficient way to not only run their IT infrastructure, but also save time and money.

Here are the Top 5 ways that law firms benefit from professional IT support:

The law firm’s needs can be adjusted for

Your law firm might go through ebbs and flows with regard to work flow. And when your needs change, you may need to scale up or down your IT support. It’s relatively fast and easy for an IT partner to accomplish this, but in contrast, an internal department can struggle with growing pains as it hires and trains new staff.

Learning new technologies is managed for you

Technology is changing quickly, and if you have internal IT staff, keeping up to date on changes is costly. But an IT support partner shoulders these costs while providing you with experts who are trained in many different areas.

The law firm’s systems are monitored and maintained 24/7

An internal IT staff will require holidays, potential sick days and time away from the office for other needs, such as training. Therefore, it’s nearly impossible for on-site staff to provide the coverage that an external partner can provide. Using an external partner, however, offers 24/7 monitoring and assistance, as they make any necessary fixes remotely, oftentimes before an issue arises.

Risk to the law firm is reduced

Many law firms make the smart decision to invest in new technologies; however, if they are installed or implemented incorrectly, it’s a huge waste of time and money. An external team has the expertise to handle all these challenges so you can recapture that lost time.

The firm’s partners can focus on their core business

Partnering with an IT support partner allows you to focus on your core business: practicing law and serving your clients. As a result, IT-related problems are handled quickly behind the scenes so you can direct your focus on reaping the maximum return from your talents.

Do you have questions about the benefits of a local managed services provider? If so, we can help. Contact WCA Technologies online or call 212-642-0980 today.