What is Two-Factor Authentication and how does it protect your business?

Two-Factor Authentication (also known as Multi-Factor Authentication) is a method of login or signing-in to an application that requires more than one verification method, and adds additional layers of security.

At WCA Technologies, we offer the deployment of two-factor authentication, which prevents unauthorized access of your systems, applications, and data by requiring two different methods to verify a user’s identity. This solution safeguards against password brute-force attacks, and keeps login details safe and secure from cyber-attacks.

Here are several of the secure authentication methods we offer:

WCA Technologies believes that implementing Multi-Factor Authentication across an organization’s Internet-facing assets is one of the most effective ways to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data. Multi-Factor Authentication, when implemented correctly, can be used to safeguard often overlooked points of authentication, such as email and business applications.

For more information on Two-Factor or Multi-Factor Authentication solutions, call Peter Fidler at 212-642-0980 or email PFidler@WCATech.com.