Why is WCA Technologies’ Web Filtering Tool necessary for your business? As of 2018, there are over 1.8 billion active websites. WCA Technologies offers a web filtering solution that uses the internet’s infrastructure to block malicious destinations before a connection is ever established. By delivering security from the cloud, not only does your business save money, but effective security measures are established. Below are the benefits of our web filtering solutions:

Category-based Filtering
Our cloud security platform has over 60 content categories covering millions of domains (and billions of web pages) to give your organization control over which sites can be accessed by users on your network (i.e., your employees) and by roaming users (i.e., visitors). The easy-to-use, cloud-delivered administration console enables businesses to quickly set up, manage, and test different acceptable use policies per network / group / user / device / or IP address, giving administrators greater control of the organization’s internet usage. This filtering mechanism has the flexibility to set up different policies depending on whether users are on or off the corporate network.

WCA Technologies provides a cloud platform that enables business owners to customize category-based filtering to meet each network’s specific needs, particularly to help businesses meet compliance requirements. Administrators can create exceptions to allow or block specific domains, regardless of whether the category is explicitly allowed or blocked. With over 60 content categories,organizations are empowered to enforce acceptable web use to comply with internal policies or external regulations such as CIPA.

Allow or Block Specific Domains
When category-based blocking is not explicit enough, the platform allows businesses to create “allow and block lists” for specific domains. Whitelisting domains ensures that businesses can always access a particular site, even if it is in a category that is blocked. Blacklists operate in the opposite fashion by ensuring that a site on the blacklist is never accessible to the organization’s users. Organizations have unlimited entries in their whitelist and blacklist to accommodate their specific business needs.

ABlock Page Bypass
The block page bypass option lets administrators grant special permission to circumvent filtering settings without the use of any software or appliance. This feature enables businesses to assign individual users, such as marketing managers, the ability to access specific filtering categories, such as social networking, or individual domains that are normally blocked by the network. Bypass privileges can be granted on a per-user basis or through use of a bypass code, which grants access for timeframes ranging from one hour to 10 years

Whitelist-only Feature
The whitelist-only feature is best used for networks where internet access should be restricted to specific domains. This allows for a “locked-down” and controlled internet environment set up by organizations.
WCA Technologies’ web filtering tool allows your business to gain visibility and control of content – on and off your network. It informs end users of the policy with branded, customizable block pages.
For more information, call WCA Technologies at 212-642-0980 or email sales@wcatech.com.